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Center Smooth Two Restrict Complement Domination on Graphs

. A. Anto Kinsley and J. Joan Princiya


Let S be a dominating set of a graph G and RSc Í V(G). The set RSc is called a center-smooth 2-RSc set of a center smooth graph G if |N(v)∩RSc| ≥ 2 for every vertex vÎS. The center-smooth 2-RSc number γ2cs(G) of a graph G is the number of vertices in a center-smooth 2-RSc set of G. In this paper, we introduce the new concept center-smooth 2-RScnumber. The center-smooth 2-RScnumber γ2cs(G) of G is the number of vertices in a center-smooth 2-RScset of G. Some results on this new parameter are established and γ2cs(G) is computed for some special graphs and also proved that γ2cs(G) = 6 for Petersen graph G. A result is proved for a triangle free connected graph G with minimum degree δ(G) ≥ 2. The following results are also proved. (i). If a connected graph G has exactly one vertex of degree p -1, then γ2cs(G) = γ2cs( ) + ∆(G) and (ii). Let G be a graph with cut edge e = uv where u and v are only central vertices, (G) = 1. If γ2cs(G) = p - |{u, v}|,  then ????(G) + γ2cs(G) = p.


Keywords- Center smooth graph, Restrict Sc-set, Center smooth 1c domination number, center smooth 2-RSc number.


Mathematics Subject Classification 2010: 05C12.

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