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Modeling and Optimization of Bus Bunching in Rapid Transit Route using Petri Nets and Max_Plus Algebra

. Farman Ali, Shaukat Ali Shah, Naveedullah, Ghufranullah & Niamatullah


In developing cities, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) has rapidly become an attractive alternative in the urban transport system owing to its cost effectiveness, environmentally friendly, flexible implementation, and traffic congestion reduction and control. For these reasons, many public transport providers, such as Trans-Peshawar in Pakistan operate BRT routes with high frequency to ensure high urban mobility in Peshawar city. One of the serious problems pertaining to the high-frequency BRT routes called Bus Bunching, which arises in a situation when two or more buses of the same route arrive at the same station at the same time at a bus stop. In the proposed study, a Petri Net based modeling of BRT Peshawar corridor has been carried out for optimal future stations arrival timing with the help of Max-Plus Algebra and optimal number of buses on each route using Integrated Net Analyzer (INA) and Linear, Integer, Non-linear and Global Optimization (LINGO) software. This technique, Petri nets and Max_Plus Algebra are combined as a solution to the proposed situation of BRT from Bus bunching and to improve the service quality.

Keywords: Bus Bunching, Petri Nets, Max-Plus Algebra, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), LINGO, INA

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