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IOT based Energy Meter with Smart Monitoring of Home Appliances

. Dr.R.Jennie Bharathi, A. Janani, S. Kamalesh & S. Kamalraj


Today, technology has changed all over the world in the way that humans interact with the physical world. The Internet of Things has paved the way for us by allowing us to embed technology in everyday physical objects. In this paper, an energy meter with smart home appliance monitoring function based on Internet of Things is built. This paper proposes a system that eliminates labor by manually adjusting meter readings and generating invoices, minimizing errors that are a major cause of energy-related corruption. The requirement for transparency in the field of energy estimation has arisen due to the lack of verification basis. The ATmega328P is used as the central control unit in this system. For the energy meter, the ZMPT101B voltage sensor and the ACS712 current sensor are interfaced with a microcontroller. Indicators of voltage, current, power consumption, no. Units and corresponding prices are calculated and displayed on the 16*2 LCD display modules. Monitoring of home appliances is performed using a 2-channel relay module to which the loads are connected. And operate through web-based technology that is interfaced with an IoT-based web application. A DHT11 sensor is used to monitor the temperature and humidity in the house. All readings taken from the sensor are sent to the cloud storage via the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module.

Keywords— ESP8266 WiFi-Module, ATmega328P Microcontroller, IOT, Web App, Energy meter.

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