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Study of Typhoid Epidemiology by Serological Test

. Mitesh Bariya and Dr. Prashakha J. Shukla


Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhi, a Gram-negative bacterium, causes typhoid disease (S.Typhi). The public health problem of typhoid fever is serious. Typhoid fever is a serious public health hazard, causing an estimated 22 million infections and 200 000 deaths globally. The most typical route to get the disease is by ingestion of feces-contaminated food or drink, followed by urine or vomitus from patients or carriers. A prolonged low-grade fever, headache, dry cough, gastrointestinal disturbances, coated tongue, and rose spots are some of the most prevalent clinical signs. A simple, reliable test that may be done in small facilities is urgently required. For typhoid fever diagnosis, we looked at the results of the Widal test, blood culture, and Typhidot assays. S. Typhi's biology, virulence, serological test, and prevention are all discussed in this article.


Keywords: Typhoid fever, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. Typhi), Serologic tests, Widal, blood culture, prevention.

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