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Herbal plants, Medicinal plant and their derivatives as health promoter

. Komal Maurya and Dr. Prashakha J. Shukla


The purpose of this review to confine the importance, effectiveness and application of different herbs and medicinal plants and their depravities. Use of herbal plants as medicine is one of the oldest form of treatment in human history. The different medicinal plant synthesis hundred of chemical compound which used for curing different human disease and play important role in healing. Different herbs and their extract contain different phytochemicals which can provide therapeutic effects. Herbal and medicinal plants help to reduce high blood pressure, protect against cancer and maintain health of human and animals. Culinary herbs are used to add flavour in food but they also contain certain active phytochemicals which improve health and protects against some terrible diseases. Medicinal plants refer to using a plant seeds, roots, leaves ,bark ,berries and flowers for medicinal purpose. Some phytogenic compound shows similar effect as other antibiotics and organic compounds on gut health. Gut microflora has significance effect on host health and growth by interacting with nutrition utilization and good health of gut system. Basically the medicinal and herbal plants and their extract can be used in future as per physiological needs and consumer’s preference for well being of animals and human. They have marvellous effect on animal health also. They used as food additives for increase the animal performance. Effects of these medicinal and herbal plants are very gentle and balanced. They promote homeostatic mechanisms and enhance body’s efforts to heal. These herbal and medicinal plants used for treatment of some common disease. Over the past two decades, use of herbal plants as medicine has been tremendously increased.

Key words

Antimicrobial, phytogenic, herbal plant, resistance, health

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