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Academicians Health Conditions at an Academic life in Indian Context

. Dr.S.Thanikasalam Assistant Professor Department of Sociology University of Madras Chennai-Tamilnadu


As India’s culture, civilisation ,education system and political system gets changed every year after Independent ,there is continuous changes and variance in the human beings life because variance and changes are caused   and influenced by the situations, people’s temperance ,work nature, genetic problem and psychological influences. So, changes and alternation are caused in human being’s life according to their environments, surrounding’s impacts ,habits, relationship ,health maintenance ,range of income and other family happiness .These items and categories are the major and micro reasons of the changes in human being’s life. Based on these  characters good ,bad ,positive and negative activities could be orchestrated in all walk  of life, especially this study is analysing academicians health conditions in terms of executing daily activities of teaching life ,generally soil supports to all things which are existing on earth, earth producing various benefits and fruits to human being life and cosmos system yielding and fetching manifold privileges to human being but all things were created by the good to save and protect human beings life ,to do their basic activities their body and system have been created by the god so strong as it able to bear up all weight of soil and earth .Likewise health is most important one to all people irrespective of educated and uneducated people to carry out al works of people in both office and home. To do and execute our daily work in all the fields and areas of both academic and non academic .To know, comprehend and understand academician’s health range and status in an academic life for complete works without flaw, their health need is more important because sound health starts, originates and commences from sound body, produces sound voice and results toward teaching and imbibing effectively for field success, glories, victories and famous. In wide aspects and scenario health is centre active part of the human being’s life to do all works which are assigned and not assigned in effective ways and efficient manner ,with its help people from youngsters to adult are able to live so energetically and enthusiastically until they could live on this soil because man powers are estimated and analysed based on their strong health status unless and otherwise it does cooperates with human being’s work and interest, nothing could be achieved in their life .On these grounds and aspects in college and universities academician’s health status are to be annylsesd iby this study especially Pondicherry central university .It is a central university located in periyakalapet of Puducherry along with Bay of Bengal, its greenery location ,attractive tourist places and cheaper liquor are welcome people and citizens from all over world for visit many historical and wonderful  places and monuments. This university is consisting various departments in all these departments academicians are working on their  subject basis for teach students community .Government of India has been providing vital and fundamental need s and privileges to the academicians without any drawbacks ,based on these gist this study would like to comprehend health range of the academicians in terms of teaching, assessing student’s works ,cooperating with education intuitions and carry out assigned works neatly and plausibly.

Keywords: Health, Academic Work, Stamina, Lethargy, Major health problems and Energetic health.


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