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Local Wisdom Values As Philosophy of Buginese Aristocratic Traditional House Form in Bone South Sulawesi
This research is initiated by phenomena of extinct Buginese Aristocratic traditional house in Bone by modernization and globalization. This can give impact on lose one of the Buginese tribe cultural local wisdom products in Indonesia. This research aims to disclose local wisdom values of Bone Buginese Aristocratic in their traditional house form. This research used qualitative method by phenomenology approach. Samples of the research consist of three types of Aristocratic house in Bone namely Saoraja, Salassa and Bola Sada. The research was conducted by natural observation, in-depth review as an interview by diachronic reading technique. Secondary data was obtained through journal exploration, research reports and relevant literature sources. The analysis used interactive approach including data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing as well as verification and validation (triangulation). Results of the research conclude that Buginese Aristocratic Traditional House Form in Bone has high religious appreciation values to God as the creature of universe and respect to fellow God creatures as a symbol of wise and prudent Aristocratic identity in leading and protecting social integrity of the community.
Keywords — Philosophy of Form, Traditional House, Buginese Bone Aristocratic.