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. Dr. D. Amutha and Dr G. Dhanalakshmi


Every continent and country have recognised and adopted Micro Finance as an anti-poverty programme. As the Micro Finance movement spreads around the world, more and more groups are offering loans to the needy. Introducing self-employment generation schemes that assist people earn money and become more efficient at earning their own living through microfinance programmes allows small loans to be made to the lowest of the poor. In addition to lending, microfinance programmes offer services such as training and development. Using Self Help Groups (SHGs) and Joint Liability Group (JLG) with banks, Micro Finance is a cost-effective and complementary method of rural credit disbursement that promotes the quick and timely availability of institutional credit in an economical and effective manner and in small funds without an excessive legal and procedural framework. Progress in MFI outreach and extension in India has been impressive. Microfinance and MFI outreach in India are examined in this research in light of this setting. It is found that the trend coefficient was found to be statistically significant for MFI loan disbursed by India. It includes an average MFI Loan Disbursed and MFI disbursed amount increased by 18.51 percent and by 13.92 percent respectively per annum during the study period. Thus, the growth rates are 13.97 percent and 10.85 percent for MFI Loan Disbursed and MFI Disbursed Amount, respectively. In the case of in Bank Loan Disbursed to SHGs, the trend coefficient was found to be statistically significant. It indicates, on average, the quantity in the Bank Loan Disbursed to SHGs that had increased by 6.82 percent annum over the study period. The growth rate is found to be 6.38 percent for India Bank Loan Disbursed to SHGs. R2 indicates a variation explained by the time variable nearly from 61 percent to 79 percent on the dependent variable. The Indian government and the Reserve Bank of India must take the necessary steps to keep the microfinance industry growing in India. They also take necessary initiatives to create public awareness of how using microfinance institutions can help them better their economic standing and living standards. Keywords: microfinance, financial services, standard of living, micro-leasing, micro-insurance.
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