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. R. ASWATHY and Dr. S. Nadarajan


Brand loyalty is defined as the strength of preference for a brand compared to other similar available options.  This is often measured in terms of repeat purchase behavior or price sensitivity. Bloomer and Kasper defined true brand loyalty as having six necessary conditions which are: the biased, behavioural response, expressed over time, by some decision-making unit, with respect to one or more alternative brands out of a set of such brands; and a function of psychological processes. There are seven factors in brand loyalty. These are: brand name, product quality, price, style, store environment, promotion and service quality. The main objective of the study is to analyse the various factors leading to brand loyalty in Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) market in kanniyakumari district. The applied sampling procedure of the present study is the stratified proportionate random sampling. The strata for the study is the blocks/ municipalities. The rural samples are 400 distributed among the 9 blocks on the basis of the population in each block to the total rural population. Similarly, the urban sample 399 are distributed among 4 municipalities on the basis of the proportion of population in each municipality to total urban population. The required data for the research work have been collected with the help of structured interview schedule. The ‘t’ test has been applied to test the significant difference among the rural, and urban customers regarding the various aspects related to personality traits, brand personality, brand loyalty, factors leading to brand loyalty and types of brand loyalty in FMCGs markets. The one way ANOVA has been applied to examine the significant association between the profile of customers and their view on various aspects related to the brand loyalty behaviour in FMCG markets. The factors leading to Brand Loyalty include Brand awareness, Brand Association, Perceived Quality, Switching Costs, Perceived value, Brand Trust, Brand affect, Brand quality, Attitude on advertising, Distribution intensity, Brand personality. It is found that The highly viewed Factors Leading to Brand Loyalty by the rural customers are distribution intensity and switching costs. Among the urban customers, these are brand awareness and brand quality. Regarding the view on the Factors Leading to Brand Loyalty, the significant difference among the two group of customers have been noticed in the case of all eleven factors.The significantly associating profile variables with the level of perception on brand awareness are level of education, occupation, monthly income, family income and number of FMCGs bought at present.The highly viewed factors by rural customers are distribution intensity and switching costs whereas among the urban customers, these factors are brand awareness and brand loyalty. The significant difference among the two group of customers have been noticed in the case of all eleven factors.


Customers’ Perception, Brand Loyalty, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Brand Awareness, Switching costs, Attitude on Advertising.

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