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Review on Base Station Placement Strategy In Various WSN Systems

. Neha Verma, Ramapati Mishra, Abhishek Srivastava Electronics Engineering Department, IET, Dr. RML University, Ayodhya


Wireless sensor network (WSN) is a densely deployed collection of a large number of self-organising wireless sensor nodes with limited energy resource, and usually a base station to collect and process the data from sensor nodes. A sensor node consumes energy for event sensing, coding, modulation, transmission, reception and aggregation of data. Data transmission has the highest share in total energy consumption. The required transmission power of a wireless radio is proportional to square or an even higher order exponent of distance in the presence of obstacles. Thus, the distance between transmitter and receiver is the main metric for energy consumption in a WSN.


Keywords: Base Station, Localization, Leach, and WSN.

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