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. Sunarto Kadir Faculty of Public Health, Gorontalo State University


Currently, many children are faced with the problem of malnutrition, one of which is stunting in children. Stunting is a growth and development disorder that can cause children to have a shorter body posture than children their age. Stunting itself can be prevented since in the womb by paying attention to the food intake consumed by the mother during pregnancy. In addition, paying attention to children's diet, parenting patterns, and meeting the needs of clean water and sanitation for children. Currently, Indonesia is still in fourth place in the world and second in Southeast Asia in terms of cases of stunting under five. It is known, the number of stunting cases in Indonesia in 2019 reached 27.67 percent. The figure was successfully suppressed from 37.8 percent in 2013. However, This figure is still higher than the maximum tolerance for stunting set by the World Health Organization (WHO), which is less than 20 percent. Related to diet and nutritional needs of pregnant women and children to prevent stunting is to eat fish. The nutritional content of fish is very relevant to support stunting prevention programs, especially in the first 1,000 days of life. The advantages in nutrition found in fish include high Omega 3 fatty acids for the development of the eyes, brain and nervous tissue and have a complete amino acid composition. first 000 days of life. The advantages in nutrition found in fish include high Omega 3 fatty acids for the development of the eyes, brain and nervous tissue and have a complete amino acid composition. first 000 days of life. The advantages in nutrition found in fish include high Omega 3 fatty acids for the development of the eyes, brain and nervous tissue and have a complete amino acid composition.

Keywords: stunting, nutrition, fish, child

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