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Detection Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in UMOD Gene in Patients with Febrile UTI in Hilla Province

. Umniah abd alnasser saleh hadi, Aizhar H. Hasan


Uromodulin, a glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchored glycoprotein, is exclusively expressed in the thick ascending loop of Henle1 and distal convoluted tubule2 of the mammalian kidney. It is exclusively produced in the kidney and secreted into the urine Mutations lead to uromodulin misfolding and retention in the kidney, where it might stimulate cells of immune system to cause inflammation and progression of kidney disease. Sixty one blood samples were collected from patient with febrile UTI infection whom visit Hilla Teaching hospital /Babylon /Iraq and twenty two samples as a control group. DNA derived by PCR amplification of DNA from blood  samples. Genotyping of uromodulin gene was performed using a polymerase chain reaction technique, followed by DNA sequencing. Accordingly, these DNA polymorphisms were confirmed using DNA sequencing. The sequencing results showed the presence of many SNPs determined in the UMOD gene .

Key wards:- febrile UTI , Uromodulin , SNp


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