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Comparative analysis of mineral nutrients composition of round gourd (Praecitrullus fistulosus) germplasm
Praecitrullus fistulosus is commonly known as a round gourd, a squash-type vegetable from the Cucurbitaceae family. 25 round gourd accessions were studied to estimate the variation in eight mineral nutrients. Accession 20248 possessed maximum nutrients with highest values for moisture contents, protein, nitrogen, and phosphorus at 95.67%, 23.75%, 3.80%, and 0.08 mg/g respectively. Potassium gave the maximum value of standard deviation (13.62) followed by protein contents (4.28) concluding that these two variables had maximum observed variability. PCA results of first three components for fruit mineral contents accounted maximum variation as PC1 34.766%, PC2 28.223%, and PC3 12.527% demonstrating a total variation of 75.516%. Cluster analysis classified the total variation as 18.58% variability within class and 81.42% variability between classes. All round gourd accessions exhibited significant amount of variation in the fruit mineral composition which could be utilized in breeding programs for developing the mineral-rich and high-yielding round gourd varieties.
Index Terms- round gourd, vegetable, mineral, nutrient composition, ascorbic acid, germplasm