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. Probir Roy Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, Murarichand (M.C) College, Sylhet-3100, Bangladesh ( Affiliated to Bangladesh National University )


We can evaluate every definite integral using the limit or summation or the Trapezoidal rule and any other established rules. With the help of anti-derivative and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, we can also compute the value of various definite integrals. But every definite integral can’t be evaluated by anti-derivative because every function has no anti-derivative formula as a function of the real variable. In that case, the function should be integrable within the interval. An attempt has been made here to establish general anti-derivative formulae named “Bangabandhu functions,’’ for such types of particular functions which have no elementary functions for anti-derivative in this paper. From these formulae, we can easily calculate the area bounded by the graph of the given function and other boundaries up to certain decimal places.  


Keywords : Integral, anti-derivative, generalized, Gaussian, approximated


Keywords : Integral, anti-derivative, generalized, Gaussian, approximated

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