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Association Of Prolonged Sitting And Forward Head Bending On Chest Expansion Among Tailors: A Cross-Sectional Study

. Fatima Mazhar, Khuram Abbas, Erum Ghaffar, Qamar Zaman, Erica Zubaid, Asif Ali, Aneeqa Aqdas, Rimsha Tariq & Barjees Ahmed



The relationship between forward head bending and chest expansion involves several biomechanical and physiological factors. Forward head bending is characterized by the head being positioned forward relative to the spine. It often results from prolonged periods of sitting, especially with poor ergonomics, such as working on a computer or using mobile devices. The forward positioning of the head and rounded shoulders can restrict the expansion of the rib cage and limit diaphragm movement. This restriction can reduce lung capacity and chest expansion, making breathing less efficient and more shallow.


Objective: To determine association of prolonged sitting and forward head bending on chest expansion among tailors.


Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among tailors in Lahore, with a sample size of 80 participants. The forward head bending was measured by using  goniometer and chest expansion was measured by using inche tape.Chi square test was used to findout the association of prolonged sitting and forward head bending among tailors. Data was analyzed  by  using SPSS 26 software.



The chi-square value (X² = 0.011) indicates minimal association between chest size and sitting duration. A chi-square value of 0.000 indicates a perfect fit between  forward head bending and chest expansion.



The study found that prolonged sitting and forward head bending can reduce chest expansion among tailors.


Key Words:

Chest expansion, Forward head bending, Musculoskeletal health, Occupational health, Respiratory function, Tailors.


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