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. Ashfaq, Nadia Faqir, Hafiza Saima Zafar, Maryam Nasim, Hassan Raza Javeed, Ayaz Ahmad, Uzair Ahmad. Nisar Ahmed Khan, Bibi Maryam & Syed Awais Shah


The study was conducted in order to investigate the ethnobotanical información of plants used by people and relation ship of plants with people of Maidan Valley. The field survey was conducted in 2021 in order to document the ethno-medicinal importance of plants, folk recipes, mode of utilization and mode of administration of local inhabitants of Maidan valley. Data collection includes observations; transect walks and interviews from local populance regarding existing ethno-medicinal practices. The inhabitants of the area were interviewed during different months of 2021. The participatory and qualitative data were obtained through Questionnaires concerning the resources of plant and its utilization. Information of plants utilization, mode of administration, demand, quality and quantity were recorded. The current study documented a sum of 85 plants species belong to 72 genera and 41 families. The dominant family was Rosaceae with 7 species (8.23%) followed by Poaceae with 6 species (7.05%). Lamiaceae and Asteraceae with 5 spp. each (5.88%), Solanaceae, Myrtaceae, Fabaceae, Moraceae and Brassicaceae each have 4 species (4.70%). Apiaceae, Caryophylaceae, Amarylidaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Rutaceae, Polygonaceae, Salicaceae, Pinaceae and Cupressaceae each have 2 spp. (2.35%) and the remaining 21 families have 1 spp. (1.17%), in each family. 85 plants species, out of 85 plants species 43 herbs (50.58%), 29 trees (34.11%) and 13 shrubs (15.29%) figure 4.2. On the basis of disease treated Rosaceae show dominancy followed by Poaceae, Lamiaceae, Asteraceae, Solanaceae, Myrtaceae, Fabaceae, Moraceae, Brassicaceae, apiaceae, Caryophylaceae, Violaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Plantaginaceae, Fumariaceae, Spindaceae, Juglandaceae, Chenopodaceae, Oleaceae, Simaroubaceae, Cactaceae, Plantanaceae, Malvaceae, Meliaceae, Papilionaceae, used for multipurposes like, Diarrhea, Dysentry, Analgesic, Antispasmodic, Carminative, Febrifyge, Cancer, Astringent, Emollient, Antiasthmatic, Anthelmintic, Tonic, Diuretic, Toothache, Stimulant and Stomachach etc. The dominant treated disease is diarrhea (11.76%) followed by tonic (9.41%), diuretic (9.41%), dysentry (8.23%), stimulant (7.05%), abdominal pain (7.05%), stomachach (5.88%), refrigerant and blood purifier (5.88%), carminative (4.70%), antiasthmatic (4.70%), astringent (4.70%), emollient (4.70%), analgesic (3.52%), antispasmodic (3.52%), cancer (3.52%), antirheumatic (3.52%), anthelmintic (3.52%), febrifyge (2.35%), toothach (1.176%) (Table 4.8-4.26). Most proffered plant e.g Xanthium strumarium L., Coriandrum sativum, The present study was carried out in District Lower Dir tehsil Lal Qilla Maidan. To eliminate the species composition in ethnobotanical study. The study revealed that flora of District Lower Dir Maidan comprise in 85 plants species belong to 42 families.


Indexterms: Ethno botany, medicinal plants Maidan valley, Dirrhea, Dysentry



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