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Soil Health Monitoring System Using IOT

. Haroon Ali Khan, Musawir Ghani, Farooq Shah & Sher Shah


Soil monitoring is crucial for effective agricultural practices, environmental sustainability, and land management. Traditional soil monitoring methods are labor-intensive, time-consuming, and provide limited data coverage. With the emergence of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, a new approach to soil monitoring has become possible, offering real-time, remote, and automated monitoring capabilities.

This thesis presents a comprehensive study on designing, developing, and implementing a soil monitoring system using IoT. The objective is to create a cost-effective and efficient system that can monitor key soil parameters, including moisture content, temperature, pH level, and nutrient concentration, in real-time. The proposed system employs IoT devices, such as sensors, microcontrollers, and communication modules, to collect and transmit data to a central server for analysis and decision-making.

The research begins with a thorough review of existing literature and technologies related to soil monitoring and IoT. Various soil monitoring techniques, sensor technologies, communication protocols, and data analytics approaches are explored, laying the foundation for the subsequent stages of the research.

The system design phase involves the selection of suitable sensors, microcontrollers, and communication modules based on their performance, cost, and compatibility. The chosen sensors are calibrated and validated against standard measurement methods to ensure accurate data collection. A microcontroller is used to interface with the sensors, process the data, and wirelessly transmit it using an appropriate communication protocol.


Index Terms- Internet of Things, Input and output, Voltage Common Collector, Universal Serial Bus, NPK sensor, ESP32.

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