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Sports marketing and its impact on development of the performance of Syrian sports club

. Alaa Mohammad Shaheen


Sport is no longer managed as a hobby only, but has developed in many countries of the world to become an industry in itself, and many giant companies have entered this field, so that sport has become an interesting material for promotion and marketing, which contributed to the emergence of sports sponsorship and sports marketing. Despite the novelty of this type of marketing, it receives wide attention from companies involved in the field of sports work, especially at the global level, because of the role it plays as a mechanism and strategy to give the sports product or service a position in the market and a place in the behavioral mentality of the consumer, and what it offers from Solutions in terms of increasing the profits of these companies, developing the resources of sports institutions, and improving the performance and services provided by these institutions. Since we are in Syria a part of this world, it is useful to know the role that sports marketing plays in developing the performance of Syrian sports clubs.


Index Terms- Athletic Product, Sport Club, Sports Distribution System, Sports Marketing, Sports Promotion

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