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predictable risk factors in patients with post-operative mandibular fractures who attended Al-Jumhuri Hospital, Mosul City

. Abdulmohsen A Mohammed ; Yusra jaffar ahmed & Thamer S. Ahmed


Background : after treatment for mandibular fractures can lead to complications that cause substantial morbidity. Objective: To describe the risk factors associated with post-operative mandibular fractures in patients who attended Al-Jumhuri Hospital, Mosul City. Patients & Materials: this prospective study discussed the result of 34  patients with fracture mandible who attended the center of oral & maxillofacial department in Al-Jumhuri Hospital in Mosul City,  during the period from February - 2020 to July /2021 . Medi cally compromised patients, edentulous, Patient with fracture mandible treated after 6-10 days of incidence of injury, all the patients underwent general anaesthesia via nasotracheal intubation. The fracture was reduced and establishment of ideal occlusion was obtained. The miniplate was adapted to the fracture line & secured with monocortical screws,Care was taken to place the screws laterally to the roots & superior to the neurovascular bundle , the incision sites were closed in 2 layers & corrugated drain was placed. The MMF was placed in 7-10 days.  & incision site irrigated with normal saline , intra & extraorally with daily dressing,Patients were observed for complications: soft tissue infection, non union, malunion, malocclusion, nerve injury, tooth damage, pain, post operative radiographs were obtained in all cases.Results :from 34 patients in this study the age of the patients ranged between 15-50 years, The  mean age of the patients was 31,26 years,so males 30 (88.2%) more than  female 4 ( 11.8%) were female . The distribution of the occupations of the patients are Workers  17 (50%), policeman are 9 (26.5%), & employed 4 (11.7%), house wife 2(5.9%) & students 2 (5.9%).As well as  about 18(52.4%) of 34 patients came from the urban so as to see from the Mosul city & 16 ( 47.1%) from outside the Mosul (rural area ).The distribution of  the site of fractures was as follows : Mandibular angle( No.=14, 41.2%), Body 12 (35.3%), Parasymphyseal fractures ( No.=7,20.6%) , Symphyseal fractures( No.=1, 2.9%) , and the distribution of the etiological factors of fractures mandible shown as the following : Missile 16(55.9%), RTA 11(29.4%) , FFH 5 (11.8%), miscellaneous 2 (2.9%).so 30 ( 88.2%) of the patient we use extraoral approach & for 4 (11.8%) intraoral approach was used .Conclusion : In the present study, incidence of mandibular fracture was more common in males with male and more common in age of the patients ranged between 15-50 years, so more incidence of mandibular fracture in workers  and policeman , as well as  about 18(52.4%) of 34 patients came from the urban , the most commonly fractured site were  the Mandibular angle and Body .as well as the etiological factors of fractures mandible shown as the following : Missile , RTA and FFH



Keywords : risk factors ,  post-operative mandibular fractures , Al-Jumhuri Hospital


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