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Electronics Design of an Automated Surveillance and Control System for Aviaries

. Farjad Khan, Rimsha Ali, Bilal Haider, Iqra Perveen, Abdul Samad Danish & Agha Muhammad Yar Khan


Advancements in technology have recently led to increased automation and management of bird houses in poultry farming, with the goal of improving efficiency and welfare. The automated bird house system is created by employing an ESP32 microcontroller and a range of sensors. The system monitors and controls essential variables like as feeding, watering, temperature, humidity, rain detection, lighting, and general surveillance. An automated feeding device dispenses feed at predetermined intervals, guaranteeing that birds receive consistent and regulated nourishment. Likewise, a watering system regulates water levels by utilizing sensors and the ESP32. The ESP32 and a DHT11 sensor are utilized to manage temperature and humidity, making necessary adjustments to heating or cooling systems. A rain sensing module triggers precautionary steps during adverse weather conditions, while an autonomous lighting system adapts illumination intensities to replicate natural cycles. The ESP32-CAM module enables remote monitoring through live video streams that can be accessed via a mobile application or online interface. To summarize, this project showcases the efficacy of the ESP32 microcontroller and sensors in the automation and surveillance of bird houses. Poultry growers can advance sustainable and profitable bird farming operations by effectively controlling important factors, allowing for remote management. This can lead to increased output, decreased labor costs, improved bird welfare, and overall enhanced efficiency.


Index Terms- Automation, ESP32 Control System, Bird Welfare Monitoring, Sustainable Farming


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