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. Hendra Wirawan1, Budi Santoso & Siti Malikhatun Badriyah


This study aims to analyze the prevention of narcotics as a transnational crime. The method used is a research library. The results showed that the prevention and eradication of narcotics in the community, partnerships between the government (National Narcotics Agency, central government, provinces, districts / cities) and the community, are a priority, through collaboration and creating community networks. anti-Narcotics which allows related parties to work together to develop their respective potentials proportionally. The implementation of the P4GN program must always pay attention to matters relating to individual rights to obtain excellent service from the government as an integral part of human rights. The most basic and most effective methods of preventing and eradicating narcotics abuse are promotive and preventive ways. The most practical and obvious measures are repressive. Humane efforts are curative and rehabilitative


Keywords: Narcotics Management, Crime, Transnational

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