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Post-operative Complications of Mandibular fractures in Iraqi patients who attended Al-Jumhuri Hospital, Mosul City

. Yusra jaffar ahmed, Abdulmohsen A Mohammed & Thamer S. Ahmed


About 34  patients with fracture mandible who attended the center of oral & maxillofacial department in Al-Jumhuri Hospital in Mosul City,  during the period from 2022 to 2023. Medi cally compromised patients, edentulous, older than 50 years of age and below 12 years are excluded from the study.For every patient in the study, the fracture was treated with the Wurzburg 2mm pure titanium miniplate system. Method of application of the miniplate :Patient with fracture mandible treated after 6-10 days of incidence of injury, all the patients underwent general anaesthesia via nasotracheal intubation. Either arch bars placed in both dental arches or eyelids with MMF, an intraoral or/and extraoral incisions were made . The fracture was reduced and establishment of ideal occlusion was obtained. The miniplate was adapted to the fracture line & secured with monocortical screws  All patients received intravenous antibiotics from the time of admission until discharge. Then prescibtion of  7-10 days course of oral antibiotics.Care was taken to place the screws laterally to the roots & superior to the neurovascular bundle , the incision sites were closed in 2 layers & corrugated drain was placed. The MMF was placed in 7-10 days.  & incision site irrigated with normal saline , intra & extraorally with daily dressing . Patients were instructed to continue a fluid diet for 4 weeks. All patients were followed for at least 8 weeks. Patients were observed for complications: soft tissue infection, non union, malunion, malocclusion, nerve injury, tooth damage, pain, post operative radiographs were obtained in all cases. Results :Seven complications (20%) were noted which include the following: Malocclusion, nonunion fracture, plate bending & displacement, plate exposure, wound dehiscence  & no significant effect of the age on the complications that found in our patients .Most of the patients have a complications was male & only one patient was female .We found a significant effect of the address on the complications. All the value of complications occurs in the patients from out side the Mosul city. More complications occur in the body of the mandible in which the percentage was 5 from the total complications so we found a 2  significant percentage here one related to the frequency of the fracture in which the more site of fractures found in the angle while the more site of complications in the body. The more complications occur in the fracture caused by missile injury. All the complications associated with missile ,We found more complication in the workers patients than another patients. 30 cases was operated by extraoral approach & 6 of them has complications & 4 of the cases was operated by intraoral approach one of them has a complication & 30 cases was operated by extraoral approach & 6 of them has complications & 4 of the cases was operated by intraoral approach one of them has a complication.

keywords : Post-operative Complications , Mandibular fractures , Iraqi patients , Al-Jumhuri Hospital, Mosul City

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