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Indigenous Uses of Fern Flora for Sustainable Livelihood Security of Swat Kohistan Valley, Hindu Kush Range, Northern Pakistan

. Abdul Razzaq, Sohail Anwer, Siraj Khan, Muhammad Rashid, Usman Sajjad Lodhi and Muhammad Obaidullah Baig


A detailed investigation was carried during 2023 on ethnomedicinal knowledge and conservation value of fern flora for sustainable livelihood security of Swat Kohistan Valley, Hindu Kush Range, Swat, Northern Pakistan. A total of ten Fern Medicinal taxa belong to 8 genera and five families were recorded from Swat Kohistan Valley used by the rural communities for the treatment of various animal and human diseases. The Adiantaceae and Pteridaceae were the prominent families in term of species diversity with three species each, followed by Dryopteridaceae with two fern taxa.  Aspleniaceae and Thelypteridaceae are monospecific that contribute one species and one genus each. Fronds was widely used part 9, followed by Rhizome 7 and Leaves 2. Information was mostly collected from farmers, herbalists, Ajars, Gujars, elder peoples belonging to different habitats and sub localities of research area through interview, group discussion and direct field observations. About 51 diseases/disease groups were recorded and used by the local inhabitants for the treatment of various human disorders. The main aim of the study was to document the traditional knowledge and indigenous practices of ethnomedicinal fern and fern allies in the research area. It was concluded that most of the medicinal plant resources are threatened due to habit loss, over exploitation, land use change and unscientific harvesting. Conservation practices, public awareness about the importance of the indigenous flora and sustainable of utilization of highly valuable medicinal plants is highly desirable by involvement of rural communities in their natural habitats.

Keywords: ethnomedicinal, Cultural Practices, Folk Usage, ferns, Swat Kohistan, HHR, Northern Pakistan.


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