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The Impact of Green Human Resources Management on the Sustainable Performance: The Moderating Role of Strategic Vigilance in the Jordanian Pharmaceutical Industrial Companies

. Ramzi.M. ALtarawneh


The study aimed to investigate the impact of green human resource management (GHRM) on sustainable performance, and to explane the modified role of strategic vigilance in enhancing the impact of green human resource management on sustainable performance at Jordanian Pharmaceutical Industrial Companies. The study used a descriptive-analytical approach, targeting managerial employees in senior and middle management. A proportional stratified random sample was used, consisting of 205 employees. A questionnaire was developed to collect primary data. Data was collected, analyzed, and hypotheses tested using appropriate statistical methods. The study found several notable results, including. There was a statistically significant effect of GHRM practices on sustainable performance; there was a statistically significant effect of strategic vigilance in enhancing the impact of GHRM in SP; there was a moderate level of relative importance for GHRM and a high level of relative importance for all dimensions of sustainable performance except environmental performance, which was moderate in relative importance. The relative importance of the strategic vigilance variable reached a high level. The study recommended pharmaceutical companies enhance their focus on sustainable performance by supporting the implementation of environmentally friendly green practices and providing all necessary strategic, organizational, and logistical requirements that ensure their achievement. The support and commitment of administrations to developing mechanisms that enhance strategic vigilance and to providing the necessary administrative, financial, and moral support for them.

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Key words: Green Human Resources management, sustainable performance, Strategic Vigilance, Jordanian   pharmaceutical companies.


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