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Therapeutic role of Alfagin in recovering Iron Deficiency Anaemia (IDA)
Objective: To investigate the therapeutic role of Alfagin in recovering Iron deficiency Anemia (IDA).
Materials and Methods: The proposed study was a cross-sectional experimental animal study which was mainly conducted at the department of Pharmacology, University of Karachi- Pakistan from June to December 2022. The study was approved by the Ethical Review Board (ERB) of the concerned institute. A total of nine white rabbits (male/female) with prior iron deficiency of either sex, weighing approximately 1.8-2.0 Kg were randomly selected and divided into three groups such that Group 1 was the control group which received Normal Saline (N.S) orally (with respect to volume/weight) for 60 days. While, Group 2 was the group that was provided with the normal dose of Alfagin (i.e., 0.25ml/Kg) for 60 days. Whereas, Group 3 animals were fed with the high dose of Alfagin (i.e., 0.5ml/Kg) for 60 days. Data was analyzed by measuring the variable’s hematological parameters along with their statistical difference using SPSS Version 20.0. The 95% confidence level of significance was attained while keeping the Pvalue <0.005.
Results: As per the observation, rabbits of group 3 showed maximum response i.e., statistically high significance (i.e., 10.23±0.258 S.E.M; P<0.005) as compared to the control group (i.e., 8.56±0.19 S.E.M) when given high dose of Alfagin (0.5ml/Kg). The significant increase in hematological parameters i.e., hemoglobin, and RBCs shows the therapeutic role of Alfagin in treating Iron deficient Anemic (IDA) animal models.
Conclusion The herbal formulation Alfagin (which consisted of eluthrococcus senticoccus, Medicago sativa, Embilica officinalis, and Trigonella foenum graecum) can help in treating Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) by increasing the amount of Haemoglobin and RBCs to supply oxygen which can subsequently use to decrease the global burden of Anemia, annually.
Keywords: Alfagin, Anemia, Iron, hemoglobin, RBCs.