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The Role of Social Media in Sustaining Popularity for Political Success in Pakistan

. Dr. Zahid Bilal, Uzma Rana & Dr. Muhammad Akram Zaheer


Political parties are well known the potential of social media tools in harnessing and sustaining political popularity. Imran Khan the founder of Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf is a prominent political figure who is using the social media platforms efficiently to influence and shape the public opinion, to run political campaigns and to gain public support. Through Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, candidates have been build relationships with people that has made them want to be part of their campaign. The study identifies the strategies to follow social media for frequent and timely communication, use of visual content, addressing public concerns and leveraging user-generated content by Imran Khan. The findings may reveal that the effectively utilize of social media tools to maintain and strengthen his popularity among the electorate is an effective approach. The implications of this research demonstrate the significance of social media tools in contemporary political campaigns, as they provide a powerful platform for politicians to engage with the public, sustain popularity, and mobilize support. The research methodology involves a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches. Additionally, interviews and surveys are conducted to gauge public perceptions and attitudes towards Imran Khan's social media presence.

Keywords: Social media tools, Political popularity, Public support, Imran Khan, Election, Digital political communication, Social media campaigns, Engagement metrics

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