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The Role of Compliance Management in Improving the Quality of Health Services

. Ahmed Sweilem Falih Al-Sharari


The research aims to identify the role of compliance management in improving the performance of the health service provided. It also aims to identify the most important components of organizational commitment and job performance. The research also aims to reach a set of recommendations and proposals that may contribute to improving job performance in the health affairs sector in the Qurayyat Governorate in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia. The research concluded with a set of results and recommendations, including enhancing organizational commitment among workers in health institutions by involving them in decisions that affect their professional and social lives through seminars and workshops for work, the focus of which is to enhance positive practices for workers in a way that serves the goals of health institutions and their plans drawn up through activating the system. Incentives and rewards and encouraging researchers to conduct more studies on organizational commitment and commitment management to identify the factors that affect the commitment of its employees, with the aim of working to develop organizational commitment in a way that benefits society and achieves the efficiency of the health service in the Qurayyat Governorate in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Keywords: Compliance Management -Quality -Health Services

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