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Comparative effects of muscle energy technique versus ischematic pressure on upper muscles in patients with mechanical neck pain

. Dr. Amir Bux Sial , Dr Jeetendar Valecha, Dr Syed Mukhtar Ahmed, Dr Shamshad zahra, Dr Tahira Channa & Dr. Tasghir Nabi


Aim/objective: To comparative the effects of muscle energy technique versus ischemic pressure on upper muscles for pain, cervical ROM and Neck Disability Index in in patients with mechanical neck pain

Material and Methods: This comparative cross-sectional study was conducted on 30 patients in Institution of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Sciences Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences Jamshoro for six months. We included those patients with mechanical neck pain, age between 20 to 45 years having neck pain minimum duration of six weeks. Patients who had pain intensity score between 3 to 7 moderate levels, having unilateral trigger point’s in upper trapezius muscles and neck pain radiating into arm and upper extremity. Those patients who had systemic and metabolic disease, fracture of cervical spine, whiplash injury and cervical spine surgery were excluded from the study

Results: A total of 30 study participants were included in this study. The mean VAS score was 7.53 ± 0.51 before the intervention (pre-test), indicating a high level of pain intensity. After the intervention, the mean VAS score decreased to 4.26 ± 0.88, indicating a significant reduction in pain intensity (P-value = <0.05). The overall results indicate that the intervention or treatment provided to the participants resulted in a significant improvement in left lateral flexion. The increase in mean score suggests that the participants were able to perform left lateral flexion with greater ease and range of motion after the intervention. The results suggest that the intervention or treatment was effective in improving left lateral flexion in the study population.

Conclusion: Study concluded that both intervention is found effective for reducing Pan and functional disability and improving in left lateral ROM further more ICE group found more effective is compared to met in patients with mechanical neck pain

Keywords: Muscle energy technique, ischematic pressure, upper muscles, mechanical neck pain

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