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“A critical study of George Sale’s religious views in the light of his translation of ”ALKORAN”

. Kalsoom Bibi, Mushtaq Ahmad, Dr. Tanveer Akhtar, Dr. Abrar Mohyuddin, Dr. Jamil Ahmad Sindhu & Muhammad Hamzah


George Sale’s translation of the Holy Quran named’ The Koran; commonly called AL_KORAN OF MOHAMMED’’ is a basic source of information for the western scholars about Holy Quran. They have been following it from the beginning. Before this translation the western scholars used to discuss Islam obviously and without any direct study of its basic sources i.e. Quran and Sunnah and its history. He also continued the same traditional attitude but adopted the different method which is known with the name of ‘’inner evidences” meaning to criticize Islam in the light of the teachings of Islam. For instance, look at the preliminary discourse of his translation of ‘AlQuran karim’ in which he abundantly repeated a sentence that Islamic rules are copied from those of Jews. (see section,ii,p,27,30-section,iv,p,59.)

             In this situation, it was the duty of the Muslim scholars to investigate this basic source of knowledge followed by the west. They should also correct his prejudicial concept of Islam and of the Holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H). It is a pitiable condition that nothing was done even after passing three hundred years. First time, I struggled and tried my best to tell the Muslims that his translation of Al-Koran is a unjustifiable and uncivilized edition based on the ancestral prejudicial feelings of the west on which the west laid a foundation to talk and write against Islam.

Key Words: George Sale’ translation, AL_KORAN OF MOHAMMED, inner evidences, Jews,

   Islam, prejudicial feelings, foul language


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