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Evaluation of Vegetable Production and Sales: Analysis of Covid-19 Lockdown in Kwara State, Nigeria.

. 1Oluwatoyin Adenike Fabiyi, and Gbenga Emmanuel Fanifosi


The study examines the effect of covid-19 lockdown on vegetable production in Kwara State Nigeria.  Sampling randomly, a total of 120 vegetable farmers were sampled and interviewed. Needed information for this study were collected and analysed using econometric tools. The findings showed that the average age of the respondents is about 46 years with 45% of them having 6-10 family members. About 72% acknowledged that vegetable farming is their major source of income. Furthermore, 63.33% attested to radio jingles as source of information about Covid-19 epidemic, while 17.50%, 9.16%, 5.83%, 3.51% and 0.67% claimed they were informed through SMS, community meetings, family and friends, television jingles and extension agents respectively. The farmers incurred loss to the sum of N648,608 during lockdown. Adjusted R2 of 0.6242 indicating that 62% alteration in vegetable production during lockdown is propelled by the explanatory variables. It is imperative to ameliorate the performance ability of vegetable farmers in order to boost food security giving the significance of vegetables in the human diet. This research puts forward and suggests that unconditional cash support programmes should be provided to vegetable farmers in general to lessen the impact of low revenue in subsequent circumstances in post-Covid-19-era to save them from the risk of production loss and poverty.


Key words: Covid-19, Income, lockdown, vegetable production, Safety


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