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Butterfly Fauna (Lepidoptera) Diversity in Daphar Forest Sanctuary, Mandi Bahauddin, Pakistan: A Taxonomic Checklist

. Waqas Ahmad Gondal & Aqsa Shehzadi


Butterflies are renowned for their elegance and kaleidoscopic palette, and their primary role as pollinators is crucial to the intricate tapestry of floral diversity. An entomological investigation was conducted in Daphar Forest Sanctuary, Mandi Bahauddin, Pakistan, over the three years (2014–2017). Specimens were captured using nets, preserved in alcohol-filled bottles, meticulously mounted on Styrofoam, and then identified using taxonomic keys. A total of 3,072 butterflies belong to 5 families (Nymphalidae, Lycaenidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, and Hesperiidae), 26 genera and 36 distinct species namely Pieris brassicae, Pieris canidia, Pieris rapae, Pontia callidice, Pontia daplidice, Catopsilia pyranthe, Colias erate, Colias fieldii, Catopsilia Pomona, Eurema hecabe, Gonepteryx rhamni, Eurema laeta, Parnassius actius, Graphium cloanthus, Graphium euryplus mecisteus, Papilio clytia, Papilio demoleus, Papilio machaon, Papilio polyctor, Atrophaneura polyeuctes, Junonia orithya, Vanessa cardui, Lethe rohria, Melanitis leda, Argynnis hyperbius, Phalanta phalanta, Danaus chrysippus, Lycaena phoenicurus, Heliophorus bakeri, Acytolepis puspa, Leptotes plinius, Tarucus extricates, Deudoryx epijarbas, Pelopidas agna, Carcharodus alceae, Taractrocera danna were collected in Mandi Bahauddin. Notably, the discovery of Graphium euryplus mecisteus introduces a new butterfly species previously unrecorded in Pakistan. Family-wise distribution of Lepidoptera indicated Papilionidae as the most prevalent (40%), followed by Nymphalidae (23%), Pieridae (17%), Lycaenidae (13%), and Hesperiidae (7%). The significance of locations like the Daphar Plantation, identified as a reserved forest, underscores their crucial role as habitats for these delicate creatures. This study not only deepens our understanding of Mandi Bahauddin's butterfly population but also beckons further exploration and conservation efforts to preserve and comprehend the diverse butterfly fauna that graces the landscapes of Pakistan.

Key words- Systematics, Butterfly fauna, Nymphalidae, Pieridae, Mandi Bahauddin

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