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A Comparative Study of Negative Markers in Urdu and Turkish Syntax

. Manahil Nasrullah & Badriah Khaleel


Negative Markers are morpho-syntactic devices that carry negation and mark a syntactic (or lexical) unit as negative. This research analyzes and compares Urdu and Turkish Negative Markers (NMs) under LFG (Belyaev, Forthcoming a; b; Bond, Forthcoming) in terms of their structure, using constituent-structure (c-structure), and function, using functional-structure (f-structure). This research finds that all three of Urdu NMs (nahiin, na, mat) are negative particles. One Turkish NM (-me/-ma) is a suffix and part of the verbal morphology, whereas the other two (değil and yok) are independent negative verbs and fall into the category of negative ‘word’. Urdu NMs and Turkish negative affix are non-projecting Neg nodes within the VC (for Urdu) and VP (for Turkish). They are represented as binary atomic value (POL ±) in the f-structure. Turkish değil and yok are the head (V) of the VP in the c-structure and main predicate (PRED) in the f-structure. Thus Urdu and Turkish NMs are partially similar in terms of structure. Urdu NMs are similar to the verbal suffix –ma/-ma in terms of their c-structure as well as f-structure despite their apparent morphological difference. Whereas değil and yok are different in terms of their structure and function.

Keywords: LFG, NSIs, Urdu, Turkish

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