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Effect of Internet Addiction on Depression and Self-Efficacy

. Fatima Farooq, Muhammad Hussain , Dr Muhammad Iqbal, Sheeza Sohail , Khadija Saleem ,Dr Malaika Sarwar Bazai & Dr Sana Ullah


Introduction: The contemporary era is digital era, which not only had influenced the way of people interaction but also the way of perceiving others and own selves with in a societal framework. The increase in digital devices and online platforms increased the opportunities with provision of stage to people to manifest their skills, talents and to reduce their boredom as well (Özer, 2013). These online platforms indeed provided people with ease to share their experience at the same time social media and internet use have some effects on their psychological wellbeing. These effects might sooth psychological wellbeing or may be averse to it.

Objectives:To explore the relationship between social media use and mental health conditions such as Depression and Self-Efficacy to investigate the effect of Internet Addiction on Depression and Self-Efficacy in males and females.

Method: This section comprises of measures taken to complete the research including study design, information of targeted population, sampling strategy used, inclusion and exclusion criteria, sample, study setting, measures/scales used to generate quantitative data from generated sample, and ethical considerations followed during the course of research.

Results: Interestingly, there was a significant difference in Internet Addiction in males and females with a higher level of Internet Addiction in males and slightly higher levels of self-efficacy, in females were found. Other than that, no significant difference in the effect of Internet Addiction on Depression and Self-Efficacy in both genders, in other words, Hypotheses 2 i.e., There is a difference in rate of Internet Addiction for males and females and effect of it on Depression and Self-Efficacy.  These results hold critical implications for mental health interventions in order to design and promote the decisions or policies to make students of colleges and universities to limit their higher internet use as well as to promote healthy internet use than problematic one.

Discussion: This research investigated that whether or not someone have Internet Addiction and Depression along with varying Self-Efficacy levels. Therefore, Study was conducted to investigate relationship between Internet Addiction, Depression and Self-Efficacy by collecting data using systematic quantitative self-administered questionnaires for recruited sample of students. After that data was analyzed using Pearson correlation and independent sample t-test between genders uncovered the following concepts.

Key Words: Depression, Self-Efficacy, psychological wellbeing, contemporary

Internet Addiction

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