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An analysis of pronunciation errors in the articulation of the /r/ sound among Intermediate students of a public sector university in Lahore

. Badriah Khaleel , Nabila Rauf & Shahida Kausar


The study aims to focus on examining the specific pronunciation errors in the articulation of ‘r’ sound that intermediate-level Pakistani students encounter when producing this sound. This involves not only examining the instances where the /r/ sound is mispronounced but also includes analysing the pronunciation of the consonant /r/ in all /r/ positions (initial, middle, and final or prevocalic and postvocalic /r/). The purpose of this research is to deepen the understanding of the specific pronunciation challenges faced by intermediate students in articulating the /r/ sound, to provide them the insights to guide through effective instructional approaches and to help them improve their pronunciation and enhance their overall oral communication abilities. The sample for this research was twenty intermediate- level students of a public sector university in Lahore. The study employs a qualitative approach. The


primary sources for collecting data were the ‘classroom observation’ and ‘paragraph reading’. As the learners are not familiar with the rules of /r/ in English Language, so they endeavor reading words as they are written. The goal of this study is to find out the difficulties faced by students in pronouncing the /r/ sound. The study also aims to provide practical recommendations for educators by analyzing the pronunciation errors in all positions (pre-vocalic /r/ and post-vocalic /r/). The specific errors which were observed vary depending on their native language backgrounds, exposure to English language, and the effectiveness of English pronunciation instructions received. The factors included in the mispronunciation of /r/ sound are; the influence of the students' first language (phonetic system and the phonological patterns in their mother tongue), lack of knowledge to phonological patterns, and the complexity of /r/ sound in English Language. The recommendations may include targeted pronunciation exercises, explicit instructions on articulatory techniques, providing feedback on specific errors, raising awareness of the differences between the student's first language and English pronunciation. The words pronounced by students still do not meet the Standard English pronunciation. Most of the students have problems in pronouncing English consonant /r/, although they get English lessons daily in the college, but they haven’t mastered the English pronunciation. Therefore, students often make errors especially in the pronunciation of ‘r’ sound.


Keywords: pronunciation errors, phonological patterns, rhoticity



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