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Media and Civil Society Conflicts in Pakistan: Media as an Agent of Resolution or Escalation

. Dr. Bibi Saira, Dr. Uzma Naz, Dr. Bashir Ahmad, Prof. Dr. Zahida Suleman, Rana Ihtasham Amjed & Dr. Muhammad Munib Khalid


Pakistan's media has the potential to promote peace and unity within the country. Depending on the rhetoric it employs, the media can advocate for war or peace. The Pakistani Media can impact public discourse by framing issues through methodologies such as human rights, peace journalism, and war journalism. The objective of the study is to assess the impact of media and civil society conflicts in Pakistan as potential catalysts of escalation or agents of resolution to better understand their roles in shaping the socio-political landscape of the country. This is an analytical and descriptive type of qualitative research that mainly relies on secondary data sources. War journalism can exacerbate conflicts and polarise people and groups, ultimately leading to dehumanization within society as people become desensitized to the pain and difficulties represented in the media. As a result, journalists hold a substantial societal responsibility for helping to strengthen the democratic state and media environment. The study concludes that the media in Pakistan has not properly performed its role in resolving ethnic conflicts and has made no major contributions to peacebuilding, reconciliation, or post-conflict resolution, failing to fulfill the function of a "Peacemaker." This highlights the need for a more responsible and peace-oriented media environment to address ethnic conflicts in the country and contribute to long-term peace and harmony. To play this role effectively, the media must adhere to peace reporting criteria, which include a thorough understanding of conflicts, fair and impartial reporting, a focus on humanism, comprehensive coverage of conflict causes and background, and a commitment to promoting peace initiatives. Furthermore, the Pakistani government should enact policies safeguarding journalists' safety and security when reporting safeguard journalists' safety and security when reporting on difficult matters.

Key Words: Media Rhetoric, Civil Society Conflicts, War Journalism, Media Responsibility, Peace Reporting Criteria, Government Policies

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