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Association of Atopic dermatitis and Anemia in school –Aged group

. Dr. Salim Abdulla Saleh (Internist), Dr. Kalid Yas Khudhur (Pediatrician) & Dr. Haider Abed Elttaef (Dermatologist)


Background: Anemia is a captain public health problem in the global with occurrence of 43% in developing countries and 9% in developed nations and iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is still the most common kind of micronutrient deficiency in the developing countries. Atopic diseases are associated with long-lasting inflammation. In patients with inflammation-related illnesses, immune activation and iron deficiency can lead to anemia due to disturbance of iron homeostasis. This study was aimed to Identify the association between anemia and atopic dermatitis , as well as identify the association between iron deficiency anemia and atopic dermatitis. The study was conducted in Al-Alam general hospital as cross-sectional study , a group of 530 persons was taken in random way from the patients , relatives of patients and other visitors of  hospital . School-aged group (the age restricted from 6 year to 18 year) was the population target of this study. The timing of data collection was start at 1 January 2022 and finished at 30 April 2022 . Our study show by comparing the existence of atopic dermatitis with different anemic groups (anemic including IDA vs not anemic , IDA vs not anemic + anemic but not IDA , IDA vs anemia but not IDA) the result show significant correlation . The most strongest correlation was between the existence of atopic dermatitis and anemic rather than IDA ( other causes of anemia rather than IDA), while IDA was more common in non-atopic dermatitis population , IDA was much higher in individuals who not have atopic dermatitis (30.36%) while anemia of other causes occupy about 21.62% of atopic dermatitis population , this mean that IDA is more common in non-atopic dermatitis population while the anemia of other causes was more common in atopic dermatitis population .




Keywords: Atopic dermatitis; Anemia ; school –Aged group


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