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The Eradication of Economic Exploitation in the Light of the Islamic Literature

. Ghulam Fareed, Hafiz Amanullah, Haroon Rasheed Laghari, Abdul Saboor, Hafiz Shabbir Ahmad & Dr Muhammad Asim ul Hassan


Islamic literature and teachings frequently discuss the theme of economic exploitation, a problem that is ubiquitous throughout the world. This summary investigates how Islamic literature might help us understand how to end economic exploitation and promote an equitable economic system. There is a lot of advice on economic justice in Islamic literature, which includes the Quran, Hadiths, and scholarly interpretations. It places a strong emphasis on supporting the welfare of the less fortunate and the prohibition of usury (Riba). These ideas serve as the cornerstone of Islam's just economic order. This abstract emphasizes how Islamic literature can help prevent economic exploitation, which can take many different forms, such as wage inequity, predatory lending practices, and unjust working conditions. Societies can address these problems by fostering fair trade, ethical finance, and social safety nets by abiding by the teachings of Islamic literature. Islamic literature emphasizes charitable deeds, teamwork, and the creation of organizations that assist economic prosperity in order to attain economic fairness. Islamic beliefs place a high importance on empathy, compassion, and the obligation to look out for the underprivileged. This abstract's conclusion emphasizes the importance of using Islamic literature's lessons in the continuous fight to end economic exploitation. Societies can promote an economic system that is defined by equity, sustainability, and prosperity for all by upholding these ideals. Islamic literature offers teachings that can be applied to the pursuit of economic justice, which will help people, communities, and countries.


Keywords: Economic exploitation, Islamic literature, Quran, Hadith, economic justice, equitable wealth distribution, usury (Riba), fair trade, ethical finance, social safety nets, economic well-being, empathy, compassion, charity.

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