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Understanding Legal Perspectives of Surrogacy in Context of Religious Guidelines

. Dr. Musferah Mehfooz & Dr. Uzma Saffat


The Islamic Fiqh Council inferred that five types of IVF are disallowed and two are legal according the sharīᶜah viewpoint. Despite the fact that surrogacy is not acceptable in Sunni Islam, the yearning for own offspring may lead the couples to settle on choices in opposition to sharīᶜah injunctions. The aim of this article is to unveiling the underlying legal, social, ethical and particularly the psychological issues related to surrogacy and surrogate mothers as well that beside the religion what is basically immoral in whole procedure of surrogacy and particularly from surrogate mother’s perspective? Nevertheless, the study will end up with concluding remarks by highlight the objectives of Sharīᶜah (Maqāsid Sharīᶜah).


Keywords:  Lineage, Surrogate Mother, Procreation, Child, Maqāsid Sharīᶜah Injunctions, In vitro fertilization, Jurist Verdict


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