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An analysis of cognitive competency of learning outcomes of Biology Curriculum and its comparison with textbook and Question Papers (in perspective of Pakistan)

. Sadia Shahbaz & Dr.Muhammad Waheed


This study aims to analyze cognitive competency learning outcomes of curriculum of biology its frequency mapping with same level of text book. The purpose is to know at what cognitive level curriculum and text book are existing in system, and what level of cognitive skills these both master documents are expecting to inculcate in learner. This comparison also provided an existence of higher order and lower order thinking skills in curriculum and text book. This analysis was done by using qualitive research method approach and technique used to perform it is descriptive analysis of documents (curriculum & text book and examination).  For obtaining more concise results, following two instruments were used:

 1) Curriculum Textbook Alignment Framework

2) Curriculum Textbook Alignment Rubric (based on competency levels of bloom’s revised taxonomy).Findings of the study depicts, that there is considerable  difference of  cognitive competency levels in  learning outcomes of biology curriculum and textbook. These are   evaluated on the basis of cognitive skills mentioned in curriculum by number of lectures and with a new dimension introduced by researcher to do categorical  analysis of all learning outcomes on cognitive competency basis. The results showed, Curriculum has more focus to inculcate understanding ability while  text book focuses on remembering ability, irrespective to the conceptual need of other cognitive skills of secondary education learners.

The inferences of above findings are, our teaching system is more inclined to promote lower order competency skills (LOCS) and less consideration of higher order competency skills (HOCS) improvement. This trend is further disseminated in teaching process to examination system. This is the reason our examination is mostly based on memorization ability evaluation and other cognitive levels are badly ignored. Textbook being master document in teaching system needs revision in the light of curriculum’s guidance and expectations. This study recommends, adoption of higher order cognitive skills mentioned in curriculum should be practically applied through text book into teaching system, this is the only way to improve students’ knowledge and to get good results. Most importantly teacher should be trained on it through customized training process in order to play effective role for the improvement of higher order thinking skills of secondary level students.

Index Terms: Cognitive competency skills, curriculum text book alignment, LOCS,HOCS,  learning outcomes.

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