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The Effectiveness of Bima Local Wisdom-Based Economic Storybook to Improve Critical Thinking Skills

. Ida Mawaddah, Hari Wahyono, Sri Umi Mintarti Widjaja & Hadi Sumarsono


Background and Aim: Learning media can be an alternative and solution for teachers to accustom students to critical thinking from an early age. The thinking process is carried out according to the indicators of analysis through collaborative learning where the teacher pays special attention to students because at every level of comprehension problems there are bound to be difficulties. Teachers can optimize the delivery of knowledge and learning experiences from story books as a basic holistic ability for students to improve critical thinking. Purpose: to find out the learning process and the progress of improving students' critical thinking by using economic story books and the effectiveness of storybook media as a way to improve students' critical thinking. Method:The research subjects consisted of 56 students from classes VA and VB, consisting of 29 women and 27 men who took science subjects (Natural and Social Sciences) using the quasi-experimental method. There were 2 groups, namely control and experiment. There were differences in treatment, where one group gave a dual pretest and posttest design, while the other group only took pretest scores. Results: The critical thinking process that has taken place can be observed from the increase in students' understanding and motivation to learn after reading the story book, students are very interested in the form and content of the story which is manifested in the form of positive behavior in capturing economic problems around where the students live. If students have a fun learning process with interesting learning media, they will be able to improve their critical thinking skills from an early age which will have a positive impact on their character in the future. Conclusion: this research is able to improve students' critical thinking skills according to the expectations of the Pancasila dimensions. This media received very good appreciation and interpretation from teachers and students. Storybooks still need to be supplemented by adding Bima language to the reading text so as to provide space for the development of the archipelago's mother tongue. Teachers must pay attention to the learning strategies and media used that suit students' needs so that they can improve critical thinking skills This research was able to increase students' critical thinking according to the expectations of the Pancasila dimension. This media received very good appreciation and interpretation from teachers and students. Storybooks still need to be supplemented by adding Bima language to the reading text so as to provide space for the development of the archipelago's mother tongue. Teachers must pay attention to the learning strategies and media used that suit students' needs so that they can improve critical thinking skills This research was able to increase students' critical thinking according to the expectations of the Pancasila dimension. This media received very good appreciation and interpretation from teachers and students. Story books still need to be supplemented by adding Bima language to the reading text so as to provide space for the development of the archipelago's mother tongue. Teachers must pay attention to the learning strategies and media used according to the needs of students so that they can improve critical thinking skills(Bankole-Minaflinou 2019; Sadhu, et al. 2018; Seibert 2020). Provisions: material can be developed according to local environmental and cultural needs, it is necessary to develop the archipelago's mother tongue, teachers have an active role in innovation.

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