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The concept of democracy between Islam and the philosophy of humanism

. Dr. Hafiz Hamid Ali Awan & Abdul Bari


The word "democracy" comes from the Greek language. This is a combination of two short words. "Demo" means all citizens living in a certain city-state, and "Kratos" means power and government. The dictionary defines democracy as "government of the people in which supreme power resides in the people and is exercised directly by the people or their representatives in a system of free elections". Democracy, in the words of Abraham Lincoln, is government "of the people, by the people, for the people." Democracy, therefore, is not a dictatorship or a dictatorship ruled by one person. And it is not an oligarchy in which a part of society rules. If I understand correctly, democracy should not be "majority rule" if it means ignoring the interests of minorities.

Keywords:   Democracy, Islam, Humanism

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