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The Historical Analysis of the First Arrival of De La Salle Brothers and their Educational Impact in India.

. A. Brickston & Dr.A. Baskaran


Lasallian teaching and education is a gift, a passion, a mission, a calling, a vocation. This paper contends that a Lasallian Educational pedagogy and the Lasallian Brothers were in greater demand to bring serious concerns of uplifting the poor and marginalized in few States in India through its  enthralled Pedagogy. It explores how Lasallian Brothers have buried themselves completely to establish Lasallian centres in few parts of India and what caused them to quit and brought them back to the Indian soil with a great vigor, that became the torch bearers to dispel the darkness of Ignorance and illiteracy.   This paper was made after the careful analytical reading  and research  of the letters, circulars, inscriptions, souvenirs, Reports of the Major superiors of the Brothers of the Christian school and Church Authorities during both arrivals of the Brothers in India. This brings enormous details for the cause of strengthening the implementation of Lasallian pedagogy in Lasallian mission centres. 


Key Words : Lasallian Pedagogy, Brothers, Mission, Children 

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