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Food as a Catalyst to Memories: A Diasporic reading of Amulya Malladi’s The Mango Season

. Q Joemari Bernardin & Dr. S. Veeralakshmi


Food is an essential thing in every human being's life. Everyone needs food for their survival. It also plays a major role in building up culture and one's own identity. In diaspora food plays a major role, many use food as a connection to their homeland which they miss in the new land. They experience their homeland through food. Diasporic writers use food images as a tool to bring out the longing for their homeland. Food memories have become a recurring theme in the diaspora, as they are closely connected to their homeland. Amulya Malladi in her novel The Mango Season uses a wide range of food images to evoke the memories that have been experienced in the homeland. This paper focuses on the food images that serve as a catalyst to the memories of the protagonist which is experienced in the homeland. 

Keywords: Diaspora, Food, Identity and Memory

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