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Exploring Capability Poverty among Women in Pakistan: Unveiling the Constraints and Pathways to Progress

. Dr. Naveeda Noreen & Maryam Shaukat


The capability approach is a normative development framework that helps assess and evaluate the state of individual well-being and progress. According to this approach personal well-being is “the quality of a person’s being, that is what a person is and what he does. This article examines the concept of capability poverty through the lens of the capability approach, with a specific focus on women in Pakistan. The capability approach, pioneered by economist and philosopher Amartya Sen, emphasizes the importance of individual capabilities and freedoms as the key components of human well-being. By analyzing the situation of women in Pakistan, this study sheds light on the various dimensions of capability poverty that hinder women's empowerment and gender equality.  Drawing on empirical evidence and qualitative analysis, the article explores the multiple forms of capability poverty faced by women in Pakistan, including limited access to education, restricted economic opportunities, and social barriers. It highlights the critical role of enhancing women's capabilities in promoting their empowerment and fostering social development. Furthermore, the article examines the existing policy framework in Pakistan and proposes targeted interventions and strategies to address capability poverty among women, aiming to advance gender equality and empower women to participate fully in the socio-economic and political spheres of the country.          

Key Words: Capability Poverty, Capability Approach, Gender Equality, Human Rights, Policy Interventions, Socio-economic Development, Social Connectedness, Women

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