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Justification of Tafsir Balmathur s intellectual arrangement, categories and examples

. Dr Hafiz Muhammad Ibrar Ullah, Dr Hashmat Begum, Dr Nazia, Dr Salma Anjum, Dr Fatima & Dr Farida Begum


Man's relationship with the Holy Qur'an cannot be complete until he understands the interpretation and Tafsir of the Qur'an, what this word of the Qur'an means, understanding the Qur'an in the language of the Qur'an, thus understanding it through the blessed hadith. Similarly, to understand the words of a Sahabi or to understand from the words of a Tabi, is a real achievement. According to Allama Ibn Khaldun, it is clear from Tafsir that Tafsir can be useful for a Muslim. When the light of Islam spread from Arabia to non-Ajams and those who did not know Arabic, it was necessary to fulfill the demands of the Holy Qur'an. To be recorded. For the education and understanding of the Holy Quran, various scholars have made efforts through education, teaching, authoring, and compilation. Most of the jurists are very skilled in the field of interpretation, like Imam Nasa'i, may God have mercy on him, the real art is the knowledge of hadith, but he had full perfection in the interpretation, in the same way, there are many jurists, who were superior in interpretation. The research under review is an important collection of Tafseer Balamathur and its examples which is a beacon of light even for the general literate.

Keywords:     Quran,  Hadith,  Sahaibi,  Tabii

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