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. Dr. K E Kannamal, . R. JENISHA, Rishvanth K S & A Rajaguhan


A digital organization called a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) runs on a decentralized blockchain network. It is run by its members according to a set of regulations that are stored in smart contracts. The NFT known as the Soul Bound Token (SBT) can be utilized to take part in DAOs. It serves as a proxy for ownership in the company and can be used to cast votes on DAO-related proposals and decisions. SBT is intended to be secure, open, and unaffected by manipulation. When a DAO is established, it issues buyable tokens, like SBT. SBT can be used by DAO members to vote on proposals, choose leaders, and control the organization's finances. Holders of SBT also have the option of sharing in the DAO's earnings.


Keywords — DAO;Blockchain;NFT;SBT;Voting

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