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Cultural Documentation in British Travel Literature: An Analysis of Isabella Trees The Living Goddess

. Devika S Research Scholar Department of English and Languages, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kochi Campus, India Dr Sreenath Muraleedharan K Assistant Professor [ Sr. Grade] Department of English and Languages, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kochi Campu


As a South Asian country without colonial history; but hit by globalization, travels to Nepal is yet to be explored. Nepal had an upsurge of travellers after 1951, the year when Nepal was unified as a nation. The study of travel narratives on Nepal found that there is hardly any manuscript on Nepal written by the West before this particular year as Nepal was circumscribed by Rana dynasty, the regime which kept Nepal unchanged for centuries. Years after, in 2014, Isabella Tree, a journalist from Britain visited Nepal with an enthusiasm of looking at the culture of a spiritually identified country. But she got fascinated by the ritually significant, culturally prevalent and socially ambivalent practice called Living Goddess in Nepal. This paper is a study on her travel narrative The Living Goddess and how she tries to rewrite the history by probing on the practice and misconceptions. The authors of this paper aim at revisiting Kumari cult as a symbol of empowerment of women.

Index words- British, Travel, Nepal, Cultural documentation

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