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. Ahmad Muhasim, Ruzian Markom, Gatot Suhirman & Muhammad Riadhussyah


The poverty rate in Indonesia in 2022 is 26.16 million, while in 2021, it will be 26.5 million.  From this data, it decreased by 0.11 million. This study investigate the effectiveness of zakat management and distribution regulations. Because we believe that if zakat is implemented effectively, the poverty rates in Indonesia will decrease.  Zakat funds that managed by Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) to reduce poverty include:  zakat funds that have been collected are then distributed to the poor, marbot mosque, madrasah educational institutions or schools, business capital assistance for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). This research use normative and empirical approaches. This article shows that to streamline the management of the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) at all levels, several people must be directly involved, among them: administrators, employees, staff, and field assistants in collection and distribution. In collecting in collaboration with zakat recipients (muzakki), who come from educational institutions, regional apparatus organizations, and vertical agencies, Furthermore, it exemplifies what the Messenger of Allah once did to the companions, such as fighting people who do not pay zakat, abolishing zakat for Muallaf, wearing horse zakat, and starting to be subjected to farm zakat, producing, and commerce. Give zakat to fakirs and beggars, even if they are not Muslims.

Index Terms- effectiveness, zakat regulation, reducing poverty, Indonesia

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