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Fighting Corruption in India: An Impossible Dream
Corruption, in its widest meaning, encompasses any conduct which is evil or dishonest. But in no country of the world, the word corruption is used with its widest meaning. In its generally accepted sense, any misuse of public office for private gain is corruption. Corruption is very old social malady. It is pertinent to note that ‘Atharva Veda’ warn people to refrain from corruption by the statement that the wealth earned through pious means flourishes and those who earn through dishonest means are destroyed. Emancipation of our country from the yoke of British rule and taking over the reins of power by the leaders of the freedom movement did not bring about reduction in the extent of corruption in the administration. The effect of corruption is harmful in every field of human activity-whether social, economic or political. Because of corruption, execution of development projects taken up in any society becomes qualitatively poor or remains incomplete. Corruption makes rich people richer and the poor poorer. In this article, an attempt is made to understand and explore the nature and extent of corruption in India and tries to find out some possible way out.
Keywords: Corruption, Government, India, Administration, Politics.