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Floristic Composition and Biological Spectrum of Vegetation of Khwazakhela, Swat, Pakistan

. Khaista Rahman, Shah Zaman, Naveed Akhtar, Tahir Hameed & Sohail


The present study explores the floristic list, life form and leaf size spectra of flora of Khwazakhela Swat, Pakistan. The area home to 63 plants species belong to 58 genera and 38 families in which Asteraceae (12.69%, 8 species) was the leading dominant family followed by Lamiaceae (11.11%, 7 species), Papilionaceae and Rosaceae (4.76% 3 species) for each. Four families contributed 2 species for each to the floristic list of the area while the other 26 families were monspecific. Therophyte (23 species, 36.51%) were dominant followed by nanophanerophytes (13 species, 20.63%) and chamaephytes (8 species, 12.70 %). In the assessment of leaf form spectra the dominant leaf form was nanophylls (20 species, 31.75%) followed by microphylls (17 species, 26.98%), mesophylls (15 species, 23.81%) and leptophylls (7 species, 11.11%).

Key words: Floristic list, Life form, Leaf Size Spectra, Khwazakhela, Swat, Pakistan.

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